
Choose growth. Elevate, Empower, Transform.

All of the sessions are customizable, unique, and catered to your needs.
Ask about sliding scale spots, Breathwork schedule, Coaching Programs and Retreats.

Coaching Programs

Release limiting beliefs, create empowering future, create positive relationships, master difficult situations, build habits, develop resources and skills.

One breakthrough session, followed by one coaching session a week. Coaching can help you define what you want, release limiting beliefs, get unstuck, work through difficult past experiences, and develop valuable skills for your personal growth, relationships, communication, and career.
We’ll utilize post traumatic growth and work on spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical strength in your empowered future.
We’ll follow the 4 Requisites for positive and lasting change:
1. Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs (we use Mental and Emotional Release©)
2. Create a clear future (like setting goals)
3. Take action
4. Stay focused

Then you’ll complete a Breakthrough Session over two consecutive days. Then,
The 3 month program will follow with 11 coaching calls, 1 each week at a time that works for you.
The 6 month program will follow with 23 coaching calls, 1 each week at a time that works for you.
These coaching calls will focus on your goals, NLP teachings, situational coaching, mental and emotional health, communication, the 4 Requisites for positive change, Avatar/Aim/Goal, and any additional techniques or topics that will help you achieve your goal(s).

Release old patterns and emotions and stick to the habits that will create the life you love


Healing, integrating, transforming. Work though difficult, stuck, or intense emotions through expression. To have cathartic, euphoric, powerful, restful, healing experiences. Breathwork has many different possibilities. Stay open to an experience of something under the surface. Free yourself from outdated conditioning and patterning that we were given before we had a choice.

Breathwork is a powerful tool to access non-ordinary states of consciousness. We breathe continuously throughout our lives, and when you practice it with intention and acceptance, there are opportunities to move through and express emotions, release trauma, solve problems, connect with spirit, see and believe in new ways - there are so many healing and transformative possibilities, I can’t list them all! Breathwork was the catalyst to my personal healing and empowerment when I was able to connect with my true self, my spirituality, and my emotions.

Commit to a 3 hour session in Missoula with a small, intimate group. We’ll go over introductions and create a supportive space. Then we’ll breathe for about 75 minutes to evocative music. We’ll welcome you back into your mind and environment with an integration circle and shares of the experience.
You can also complete an online breathwork session in the comfort of your own home. Just drop a message below.

(If you see Chuck’s name on the Breathwork schedule, go ahead and sign up! He’s my co-facilitator and we’ll both be there!)
If you prefer a private online session, email me below.

Surrender to your unconscious desires and experience expansive life

Breakthrough Session

The purpose of a Breakthrough Session is to identify and get to the bottom of a problem in your life. If problem-solving were as easy as writing down a goal and just staying motivated, you would have accomplished it already!


A Breakthrough Session gets down to the root of the problem, releases the limiting beliefs holding you back, and solidifies a new mindset to put the problem behind you. This will allow you to work effectively toward new goals and be resilient against any new problems that you may encounter. You will be supported through your journey into your new possibilities. If you desire, you can sign up for regular coaching sessions after the Breakthrough Session that allow for customized support specific to your goals and struggles and focus moving forward.

During a Breakthrough Session, I will use specialized techniques to help you release everything that is standing in your way and rid yourself of the old beliefs keeping you from doing the things you want to do. None of this requires you to go back into traumatic events. We can change how you feel about your past and future with Mental-Emotional Release®. You will understand your values and what’s important to you. Then we will set effective goals and set them out into the future so you can completely understand who you want to be. You can release all the old patterns in an 8-hour session that could take decades with medication and traditional therapy.
A Breakthrough Session is completed over 2 consecutive days.
The first day is about 4 hours where we’ll do a Detailed Personal History - we’ll dive into your problem and find out why it’s there. You’ll be given the evening to think about your limiting beliefs and baggage around the issue.
The second day will also be about 4 hours where we’ll do MER®, elicit your values, create a goal, and you’ll have an opportunity for a short hypnosis.

A stand alone Breakthrough Session will come with 4 follow up session to make sure you are moving in the right direction and you’ll have an Avatar, and Aim, and a SMART Goal. If desired, you can sign up for additional coaching or mentor sessions as needed.

Release negative emotions and limiting beliefs to stand in your power and joy


The purpose of hypnotherapy and the use of a lower brain wave state is to work with old traumas, difficult incidents, and patterns and become aware of and possibly accept new ways of thinking, believing, and being.

Hypnotherapy allows you to identify "unfinished business" and replace trauma with positivity to create long-term improvement (Dr. Fritz Perls and Diane Zimberoff). Hypnotherapy is the use of a trance state to make changes at the unconscious level and dive deep into mental programming we picked up when we were young. Hypnotherapy has been shown to assist with addictions, anxiety and stress management, weight loss, and PTSD and trauma resolution. Hypnotherapy has the power to go beyond your conscious thoughts and begin to rewire your neural pathways at an unconscious level to change your behavior to be in alignment with the future you desire.

A typical hypnotherapy session is 90 minutes. Generally a consultation session will be done beforehand or the completion of a Breakthrough Session. This allows for us to review the impact of any presenting issues, and allows us to create and develop resources and anchors to improve reliable coping skills.  You may be given homework before or after the session to allow changes to stick. It is common that several sessions may be necessary to resolve old patterns (especially traumatic ones) and to install new coping strategies and healthy behaviors.

Utilize a brainwave pattern that allows you to transform negative ways of thinking and being

Sign up for your first free coaching session.

Opportunities with this call:

Learn and build your own coaching or therapy program
Ask questions
Identify your deeper problems
Learn something new
Gain more resources
Work through emotions
Gain a new coping skill(s)
Have an ah-ha moment
Sign up for an in-person Breathwork Session


“I felt so comfortable working with her on such personal topics, and the best part is I didn't have to give her any details I didn't want to. She was very calm, confident, understanding, and patient throughout the whole process. She always knew the right thing to say to me. Anne made the process of working through a challenging area of my life SO easy; I didn't feel drained at the end either; in fact, it was quite the opposite. I would definitely work with Anne again and recommend her to anyone I come across who would benefit from her services.”

If you have any additional questions, email me here - I respond to every email!
(406) 298-3445

1805 Bancroft Street
Missoula, Montana 59801