Meet Anne Martin:

On a mission to create opportunities for a fulfilling and abundant life.

Certified Integrative Trauma Coach;
Teacher, Student, Work in Progress, Lover of Sunsets

I spent the last 7 years developing mental health practices that builds trust, connection, inner knowing, and fulfillment. As a former first responder, trauma survivor, certified alternative therapist, and lover of learning, I have found my purpose working with people to create positive, lasting change long-term. At the young age of 21, I began accumulating time as a Police Office, EMT, and wildland firefighter. After being critically injured, I struggled to find my purpose and felt consistently beat down.

After 242 doctor appointments and hundreds of hours conquering different therapies, I told myself I was ready to come back and serve people effectively. I still felt like something was missing. I suffered from anxiety, depression, PTSD, and panic attacks. I started looking into alternative therapies because I didn't want to take medications. After digging around "rock bottom" and challenging myself to explore modalities that I thought were “stupid,” I started to learn new things about myself. I began to build myself an empowered, confident, connected and resilient life. I learned to understand how my body and mind worked together and how I could use these connections to thrive in life and teach others to do the same.

I owe my ability to stay resilient and healthy to the knowledge and practices that I have developed (and calling on trusted people who support me in every way). 
I have incredible gratitude for my clients, my coaches and mentors, and my friends who have been with me through my celebratory and my dark times. 
I get to live my purpose through supporting others, teaching, and embracing new experiences. I look forward to the challenges, the discomforts, and the joy along the path of self-discovery and spiritual growth. I am eternally grateful to my teachers that have encouraged me to serve in new ways, even before I knew I was ready.
I now enjoy a connected, confident, and resilient life in Montana; traveling, fishing, hikes with my dog, cooking, and riding my mountain bike. 
I have been trained by a Doctor in Psychology that studied with the inventors of NLP (the same thing Tony Robbins uses). 
I have also been trained by a company that has been teaching in excellence and mastery in psychology for over 40 years.
I have over 13 years of experience in the emergency service and first responder fields. 
I love doing breathwork, retreats, advanced courses, and coaching for my own development. 

I maintain the following certifications:
   Certified Integrative NLP Coach
   Master Practitioner in Mental and Emotional Release©
   Master Practitioner in Neuro Linguistic Programming
   Master Practitioner in Hypnotherapy
   Trainer of NLP
   Practitioner of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
   Facilitator of NeuroDyanmic and TranceFormational Breathwork

I am licensed and insured in all the above modalities and am certified through the Association of Integrative Psychology. 
I also have certifications in Trauma Informed Care, Brain Health, and Spiritual Emergence.  I am currently training to be a Huna practitioner, and I teach wellness classes for local fire and police departments. I facilitate retreats and provide support for individuals working through sacred medicine integration. 
My other certifications and accomplishments include: a BA from Colorado State University, an EMT license, a POST certification from the State of Colorado, a small business owner since 2018, and two commendations while at the Jefferson County Sheriff’s Office. 

What can Evergreen Coaching and Wellness do for you?

  • Coaching Programs and Breakthrough Sessions

    Start with a Breakthrough Session and Mental and Emotional Release© to be free from limiting decisions, negative emotions, habits, and baggage to freely achieve your goals and live in a healthy resilient body and mindset. Coaching sessions will allow you to develop personal growth, a successful career, and emotional resilience and help keep you on track with the goals we set together. We will build habits so you can successfully do all the things you want to do, and have the things you deserve.

  • Meditations and Hypnotherapy

    Hypnotherapy will allow you to give your unconscious mind instructions to help you thrive and to process emotions from the past so you can live a resilient and confident life. It keeps your conscious “monkey mind” from getting in your way.
    Meditations will allow you to set intentions, relax, focus your mind, and be congruent with who you want to be.

  • Mental and Emotional Resilience

    Releasing the persistence and stuckness from past traumas will allow you to create new habits, stay healthy and motivated, and be able to work through any situation life throws at you. You will understand how your mind and body communicate and walk through this world as a strong and fulfilled being.

  • Accountability

    After setting effective goals out into the future, you’ll need to stay focused and take action to keep moving forward. I’ll be with you to make sure that you have all the resources you’ll need to succeed, and we’ll adapt to life as it comes at us.

  • Values

    Together, we’ll find your current values and see where you want to make improvements. Values are how you spend your time and how you value your time spent. You’ll understand what’s important to you, what you want, and how to get it. 

  • Breathwork

    Learn the value and the power of the breath and how you can use it to breakthrough barriers, nourish your mind and body, be grounded in the moment, and develop new ways of thinking. Breathwork is my favorite practice and can be done online or in person (at Ritual Yoga Missoula, Montana).

  • Congruency (or Pono)

    Pono is a Hawaiian term for “right balance.” To be Pono, or congruent, you will know and understand yourself, your wants, and your purpose so you can do what you want to do, be who you want to be, and have everything you deserve. Being congruent allows you to continuously feel the emotions in your life and have confidence and resilience through your joys and struggles.

Lea B.
Wildland Firefighter

“She communicates so clearly because she understands mentorship and mental health so well from her own life experiences. In addition, she values her own independence enormously, which makes her understand the value of independence for those whom she helps.

I have learned so much from Anne in such a short time. It is so comforting knowing that she not only "has my 6" but also is invested in my growth and development as a person. She inspires me as I move forward with my life after trauma, and I can't wait to see how she fosters my next growth phase.”